
How to calculate selling price and cost price ???

Welcome to Tuesday blog day . So today's it's Tuesday and. Day which I write blogs So my today's blog is about how to calculate cp and sp . So it's easy to calculate cp and sp . I used a formula my nani told me . And that is the best way and the easiest let I share with you ... There are 2 methods one by solving by x . And other by formula ...... I did it by formula ? ? . So let's start-: We are taking 2 questions and solving them ramu .bought a laptop of rupees 1,50,000 at a loss of rupees 15 percent . Find selling price of the laptop. So here we have to find SP


How to make a family calendar

For this you will need a big box of shoes or chocolate like then paints markers and tissue paper and double tape that’s it lets start The box Take the box and paints take 3 or 4 paints only now put them all In a line then take tishu paper and round it up and chub chub it up on the paints then let it dry for 1 minute and then get a marker or stickers of ABCD and write family calendar and decorate then take some double tape and put your fingers there so it becomes weaken paste the tape where you open it and put little sticker know take a print of a 2020 or 2021 cale



Bonjour everyone!! Raise your hands if u are a mehndi lover ? It's fragrance ?? ?? But due to pandemic times we can't go and ask the mehndi man -"bhaiya sundar si laga do " How about applying it on our own ? So , here are some tips and tricks I'll like to share to apply mehndi on your hands . Old newspaper ??️ - Take any old newspaper or any used paper . Mehndi cone - Buy mehndi filled cones from market OR You can even buy powdered mehndi , mix in water and pour in the cones. Support - very important!! Use a table or some other stuff for supporting the hands . Make


How to be healthy ???????

So I am here after so long but today I am writing my blog ? ☺️ so today's topic is different but it is important about our health . So I have experienced gas problem in my stomach ? . Which made me cry because it pains . So my. Mom change my life style and made me healthy . She gave me all medicines but that are artificial just one day it is ok then again it hurts . So my mom give me natural medicine ? which is very costly most people don't have that amount which is of time . I did yoga for 1 hour and do walk in parking ?️ and in that time I was even thinking ?. A lot of corana vir



My calm on Friday the 13th…. Beware it's Friday the 13th, but here I have my calmness tricks so relax!! 1) BIRD WATCHING:- there are real birds as well except for those pigeons and crow which usually dominates the sky but they are hard to locate. A beautiful bird can melt your heart and provide you with immense positivity. For that you just need a can full of water in your balcony + enough time so that one eventful day arrives and that you can capture your heart. Just as I did and look what I found!! 2) SNIFF SOME LAVENDER:- The scent of lavender is more than just plea



Haylo, all you itching-for-calmness souls. Here I am going to introduce you to my 'calming Friyay five' so let's start this ride!!! 1) CHECK YOUR SURROUNDINGS:- Not now my Einstein minds but after this trick!! Look around yourself and see that you are not glued to the negatives in your surroundings. Catch up with any book or play your favourite music. This is important to detox your mind. I got this trick from the book I am reading "attitude is everything" by Jeff Keller. 2) TAKE THE JOY TEST:- bring on a pen and apaper I hope it's available when you need it the most!! Write



A new week and my new art, hello guys so this week i created SHIVLING zentangle art. zentangling is made up of two words that is ZEN + TANGLE = ZENTANGLE... Here zen means meditation and calmness whereas tangle is referred to as different patterns and designs. here are the steps to do zentangling:- DRAWING:- so we can draw any random thing just like i preffered to make shivling. we can draw something related to the occasion.BORDER:- Draw border, it gives a good look to the drawingTANGLES:- Feel free to draw different patterns and strokes. SHADE:- Add shades of gray with


5 Bullet Tuesday: A Gift That Can Change Your Life. Forever.

Hi All, Here’s your weekly dose of “5-Bullet Tuesday”, list of things I’m enjoying or pondering. Social media post I loved- They say that the best gift you can give someone is the gift of your time. But what you do with that time if even more important. Here’s how Dr. Abdul Kalam used his time to change a life. Forever.  The quote I loved: James Thomas Anthony Valvano, nicknamed Jimmy V, has a gift idea for all the fathers.  Jimmy was an American college basketball player, coach, and broadcaster. The movie I loved watching- ‘The Gift' tells th



Hello good people so this week i tried my hands on mandala art well i have done that before but this time with a little more perfection that your eyes won't believe....... MANDALA is a complex abstract design that is usually circular in form. Infact the term mandala is derived from the sanskrit word that means circles. it is a representation of our inner worth which makes the design pratical. MANDALA makes us calm, reduces stress and helps to increase our concentration. CREATE WITH ME MANDALA!!! CIRCLES:- Create circles of different si