
How I try to follow my hobby.

So my today's blog is about how I try to follow my hobby .. so if you have read my last to last blog about arting . So today I will be telling you that how I. Follow it So arting means cleaning in artistic manner so I tried it to follow 5-6 days and I achieved my goal as I accept the challenge from me to me and I cleaned many things in artistic manner ... There is a cabinet or a small shelf below our TV in the bed room and whenever we have to clean ?️ bed we put all the things which are on bed to the cabinet and it looks bad so my father suggested to clean it and I cleaned it ?


How Much Do You Trust God? Let’s Find Out.

Hi All, Here’s your weekly dose of “5-Bullet Tuesday”, list of things I’m enjoying or pondering. How Am I keeping faith: I'm reading a few pages every day of Khushwant Singh's "The Freethinker's Prayer Book." Khushwant Singh calls himself an agnostic and yet he has been very interested in religion all his life. This book is a unique collection of English translation of snippets from holy books, poets and philosophers. He starts the book with some poignant lines, about his old age and a quote from Oscar Wilde that he completely resonates with: "The tragedy of old age is not th


A letter to the most beloved person of mine

You must be thinking who is that person that is most beloved to me, of course it is not one but in this blog I will tell you about my nanu. (nanu is the person who is the farther of your mother) The thing which I like the most He is very calm,this is the one of the billion things i like about him.He had many problems in life and he still he is having one but he always stayed and i am sure he will stay calm.one of the incidents i remember is when he was coming back from his office and some thefts stopped him and tried to rob him but he stayed calm and overcame that incident .


A letter to my nani

Hello everyone I am sohana an I will talk a letter to my nani now I would talk about my nani and what does she do now if I would write a letter to my nani so it would be Nani is sweet nani is so butefull You always help others always kind hearted and ready anything time for some questions you can write in the comments Q 1 what is your favourite place in your house ? ans ?Q.2 what do you love to eat ans ?Q 3 what is a thing you can’t ever live with out ans ? Q4 what is a app you can’t live without ans ?I HOPE YOU FIND THIS INT


HOW to identify your habit

so you all have read my last blog it has a line about identifing your habit but i thought it is not very easy to find your hobby some of us might face problems by identifing your hobby SO TO IDENTIFY your hobby i have some ways and tricks ans some videos so lets look for them so to find hobby follow my tips 1 building on your current intrest it means what is your intrest in pandemic times and find a similar hobby 2 creating budget if you cant find anyhobby start from this hobby it is best create a budget diary and make 4 colums about where you spent on what you spen


how to develop habbit of doing art

so in my todays blog i will be telling how to develop habbit of doing art in the recent days of lockdown me and my elder sister we started to make inspiraton journal its quite interstimg to write and draw some things we started many things realted to art not only drawing and painting comes in art but many diffrent things we tried like manadla art or writting in diffrent font so to deveop habbit of doing art reqires peace and time i tried many drawigs like ear budding painting my art teacher told about it so to deveolp habit of doing art we should follow these 2 steps i am tel



Here i have my weekly art work prepared thats HAND LETTRING. It is a form of drawing to create decorative letters. It gives us freedom to design and decorate the font in whichever way we like. This can be done using brush pens, calligraphy markers, gel or ball pens. :- AIM:- TO DO HANDLETTRING MATERIAL REQUIRED :- Pen, paper, scale, pencil and eraser METHOD:- it is a way of creating thick and thin fonts. suppose you are writing 'IF NOTHING GOES RIGHT GO LEFT' thats my handlettring topic for the week even. lets see how we can write this:- see the spacing between the lett


How I Identified My 2nd Bad Habit.

Just when I thought it was time for me to get down to my writing, Sohana, my seven year old daughter shouts, “Papa, 6’o clock is your story telling time. You’re ready, right?” Oops, I had forgotten that completely. “Yes, I’m ready, but only if you’re busy with your gadgets, it’s fine, we can skip today.” I tried to escape. “No papa, we’re interested in listening to the story”. Arghh. Now, my mind diverted to, “which story am I going to tell the children?”, “ I don’t have one handy..” It’s almost 6pm. I go to Amazon and buy an e-book instantly. This is the one which


How I Identified which 1 Habit was Interrupting My Growth?

In line with our October Family mission (CHABITOBER: Change one Habit, this October!), I have been thinking about which habit should I change - a better daily time table perhaps, or healthy lifestyle, writing and sharing my blogs or something else. This cute mission poster is by Samaira, our sweetheart who recently entered her teens. Love this and this is also our Team's Whatsapp group icon! :) After sufficient thinking I realized that while I have already done quite a lot in terms of these things, especially with respect to having a strict writing and posting schedule for m



Howdy chabitobrians!! as we begin our new mission that is CHABITOBER or CHANGE HABIT OCTOBER i pledge to develop the habit of doing one creative thing everyday. Creativitiy is not a mystery of creating new things it is being consistent in everything you do. so here i have 5 things i would include in my creativity list that is:- 1)KEEP UPDATING MY JOURNAL:- I have made a goal of completing one page of my inspirational journal each day. 2)READ A PAGE :- It includes reading newspaper and a page of any book everyday without fail. 3)WRITING BLOG CONSISTENTLY:- will write abo