
How to be entertained on weekends part -8

Hi you 9-5 busy people .. why are you always searching for your technology .. instead using technology .. see the realworldlogy.. this weekend try my tips .. and this weekend make a no phone day ... And read my tips and follow them .... Refrishing nap - " Sleep is the best meditation. Learn from yesterday, live for today, look to tomorrow," .... How many of you take sleep beyond night ?? Simply means that how many of you take extra sleep not in night but in day too 😮 that is refreshing nap which you take to refresh your self as night sleep is must .. so this weekend take a


How To Speed Up Your Website and Fix Photo Upload Error?

One day you wake up and see that your beloved is slow, slower than usual, slower than ever. You expect the same old reactions from her or him, but Alas! It just wouldn't respond like before. You try the tricks, even the ones that you know irritated your sweetheart before, just so you get a reaction, a fight, a rage, a tear, anything. But nothing is working. You finally give up and learn to get used to her new slow self, but then you notice something else is wrong too. She doesn't understand a lot of what you tell her. Now, something is seriously wrong, isn't it? Well


How to be entertained on weekends part-10

Hello you busyions streesy and afcause people!! .. how are your past 10 weekends went because we have covered 10 parts of my blog means I am writing from past 10 weeks which is more than a month yayy!!! So let's start the chapter of new weekend with new tips + fun ... So let's start and read my entire blog 🤠💞 New month resolution - why we always say new year resolution is it only for new year?? Why can't it be new month resolution or new day resolution .. it can be anything as we are going in new year so we have to change or adopt a new habit ... Even we are going in a new



Blissfully quiet, early morning walks to school while sipping tea. Standing on a chair and updating the section whiteboard in the back of the newsroom. Conversations on sun-drenched afternoons that flow like you could talk to the other person forever.  Those moments feel as though they took place millenia ago, even though I experienced them at the start of 2020.  I refuse to recap these past months with a cliche “2020’s been quite the year, eh?”  2020 was indeed an EVENTFUL year.  The immense pain and loss suffered by people across the world from the coronavirus pandemic, n


How to be a calmer you???

In the day and age when instant noodles and pre-mixed coffee is called a meal without blinking an eye, instant replies on SMS or Whatsapp have also become a measure of how much you care for the person on the other end. Hi all, I am back with my Friyay five, what are you waiting for read on! DIGITAL MANDALA:- Recently I learnt that. There is something called digital mandala !!suppose we are not far to eat virtually too!! There is an app called ibis paint which made this possible. I would definitely suggest for those who find mandala too lengthy and often end up doing half of i


How to be entertained on weekends part-9??

Hello everyone... Welcome to my throw back Thursday.. I am here with some some exciting tips to make your last weekend of January special so be ready for laughing, enjoyment and..... For that word read my whole blogRead my tips and tell are they useful and worth for you ??? Follow them to make a smile on your face .. . Brain test games - how is your IQ level?? I think most of you would be thinking 🤔🤔 but you don't have any answer for this question ????? But brain test game. Has it is a interesting game it takes a test of our brain 🧠🧠🧠 there are different level it gets diffic


What’s in a Name?

“What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” said the great playwright William Shakespeare. Dear friends, in the next couple of minutes I am going to prove Mr. Shakespeare wrong and make you believe that – at the end it’s all in a name. Let me start with a story. Story of a name. Way back in the year 2006, a dear friend from a small town Meerut went down South to Chennai for a training program. On the first day of her program as she walked towards training room 106, her thoughts wavered from the hot humid weather of Chennai to spending the next 2 mo


How to be entertained on weekends -8

Hi you 9-5 busy people .. why are you always searching for your technology .. instead using technology .. see the realworldlogy.. this weekend try my tips .. and this weekend make a no phone day ... And read my tips and follow take Refrishing nap - Sleep is the best meditation. Learn from yesterday, live for today, look to tomorrow," .... How many of you take sleep beyond night ?? Simply means that how many of you take extra sleep not in night but in day too 😮 that is refreshing nap which you take to refresh your self as night sleep is must .. so this weekend take a refreshing


How to Charter a New Toastmasters Club?

To charter a new club, steps that need to be followed are: Find at least 20 people over the age of 18 who want to join.Fill out and submit the requisite new club forms to World Headquarters.Fill out the Start a Club form and request more information.Download a copy of How to Build a Toastmasters Club, a step-by step guide to growing a successful club. While the regular fees for chartering a club is as mentioned below, Toastmasters International is currently offering a discount if the club chartered in January 2021 where by the fees per person would be $67.5 applicable till S


How to be entertained on weekends part-7 .

Heyllo !! Everyone one .. so I am again here to share some weekend tips from my sack.. just 3 to 10 then my weekend series will end .. so enjoy my blog I am here with some special tips which are tried and tested so let's gooo ? So are you ready ... And run.. The more you read. The more you know the more you learn the more weekends. You will have fun Going to shopping- how many of you are shopoholics ?? Are you feedup of buying things online and returning them ... So go to calm place which is known as " shopping mall" like I went but with all safety precautions .. a