Surprised 😯 that how Friyay five turned out to be mystery Monday night?? Well that’s a special blog for woman’s day!! So to all the “ms. always right” “gossip glitch” and the “shopoholics spree” a very happy woman’s day!!

So let’s go ahead and see what’s in the store for you all:-

1:- what a tangled web we weave??? There can be benefits to all the foot-tapping and twiddling of thumb, but how much so that it’s not too much

things to try if you just can’t keep still:-

Get organised. Make notes and lists, set deadlines. A routine can act as a guide and an organised routine is a calming mechanism. It will allow you to gain a sense of control over your day and help you focus. Plan for the day in advance!!

Break the spiral:- If you just can’t stop moving, take a break to walk around, use a stress ball or do a few minutes of simple stretches to break the pattern and bring your mind back into focus..

2:- IT’S THE TIME TO SPRING:- and it’s the time to make the most of it, before it dissolves into summer. Delhi means having the heater on one week and then switching on the A/C the next. So, if you are going to enjoy the nano second that spring lasts, then you better have you to-do list ready and be quick about crossing all the items….

Have a blooming good time: This is the period when all the gardens and parks in the capital are heaving with magnificent spring blooms. So, If you are driving everywhere, keep your eyes peeled for the splash of colour that they provide.

Eating out: Choose a restaurant that does outdoor seating and enjoy the last few days of balmy sunshine. Have a safe dine!!

Spread your wings: the best time of the day is night cool and calm just when the spring strikes!! Having a night out with the moon and stars feels like pleasure!! Go for a night walk be happy and feel the last baits of chill!!!

The spring has sprung so are you!!!

3:- FOR HER:

beautiful.gentle.inspiring.strong.courageous.resilent. This WOMAN’S DAY, celebrate all the women who make your world go round!!

Appreciate them for their:-

PATIENCE in the best and worst of times.

STRENGTH with which they have carried the world.

GRACE that they wear so effortlessly.

For how they stay CONNECTED to their beliefs.

BEAUTY inside out.

RESILIENCE in every situation.

4:- Zzzzz…… RECLAIM THE NIGHT:- Tips to beat the 4 A.M angst:-

CALM don’t reach for the phone and avoid looking at the clock. Instead try relaxation techniques. Listen to some slow music.

FACE YOUR CONCERN try to look out the problem and find solutions to overcome it!!

TALK it helps everytime, it’s good to talk things through, and they might help you see a solution.

5:- MY WEEKLY ART:- I know this art is a repetitive one but for woman’s day special!! You have to work a little bit to see this, i.e. touch the link!!!

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