
How to discard old things???

So today s topic is How to discard old things?? ???‍???‍?Today my sister told that in newspaper it was coming how to discard?????? old things which means we are living in the 20th century and now ?????people are buying???‍? new things but not throwing the old things even I??? .I am also doing the???? same thing ? I buy some ????new clothes or new toys but I don't throw the old ones because I like them ??also now I buy new???? clothes but I don't throw the old ones even they are small for me but I fit them as that looks very nice ???so this even not I am doing ??everybody in my h


How can a mentee reap the benefits of the Toastmasters Mentorship program?

A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself. A mentor is someone who allows you to know that no matter how dark the night, in the morning joy will come. A mentor is someone who allows you to see the higher part of yourself when sometimes it becomes hidden to your own view. -Oprah Winfrey Interested in understanding how the Mentorship Program helps member Toastmasters and newcomers? Here's a 4 minute video, answering the following question: How can a mentee reap the maximum benefits of the Mentorship program? https://youtu.be/YSqxOIGkNM


How to create your own email from google

1.go to a gmail.com on your browser. 2.click on the icon you see on the top right corner. 3.now click on add another account 4.now create another account 5.fill the details (your name,username,password) 6.now click on next. 7.but your phone number (don't you can make multiple emails with same phone number) 8. again fill the details(if you are not a adult it will not allow you to make a email so put wrong birth date) 9.click on next 10.so the last step is to click on yes,i am in



Heart is the soul of the body, for a happy heart, eating the right amount of fruits and vegetables is essential and at the end let the heart say THANK YOU!! SO HERE ARE SOME NUTRIENTS AND MINERALS WHICH WILL KEEP YOU HEALTHY AND FIT:- VITAMIN C:- Found in orange, kiwi, lemon, guava, broccoli, cauliflower, capsicum and grapefruit. Have vitamin c to control BP..VITAMIN K:- Found in turnip, mustard, parsley, sprouts, fish liver, eggs, meat, kiwi, pomegrante and blackberries. ZINC:- Found in meat, nuts, dairy, eggs and whole grain. it affects the heart's ability to deal with stre


How to revise a dictation your self

So a day before was my dictation i wanted to revise the dictation well had learned but I wanted to revise and nobody was there to give me dictation so I did not say please give dictation to me I revised my self So there are just 2 steps 1. Step read every word 5 times or 2 times 2. Step Then write every word 1 time Then you will feel your self that you will do good in the test


How to do household work easily???

In this time of pandemic... people are not allowing maids or house ? keepers in the house .. so we have to clean the house on our own.????? so I also help everyone to do broming and moping. So we have made a time table for each day ??? and all the turns are ????fix ... Only on Sunday ☺️? there is a fixed holiday ?☺️☺️?? so from this it becomes easy one person do mopping and other brooming ? ???? this becomes easy for us ? ☺️ to do household and this help our mom because we have not fixed her duty ? she do many other work so we gave her rest ??☺️? so with teamwork we can do anything



Any similarity between an individual and this blog suggests that you are a bookworm and hence requested to return to bookwormland ASAP..... ARE YOU A BOOKWORM, LOOK FOR THE POSSIBILITIES BELOW:- THEY SLEEP WITH A BOOK NEAR THEIR PILLOW:- for one thing we read before we go to bed and for the other, being physically away from the book makes us anxious. well the other reason might be that we have an easy access to the book next morning....THEY CARRY THEIR BOOKS WHERE EVER THEY GO:- It usually happens that where ever i travel well if that is to the next room as well i carry it

Students, Toastmasters

How to improve your impromptu speech sessions

Today, I came across an old video of mine. This is about 2 years old. Now the funny thing about old photos or videos is that no matter how much you hated the way you looked or spoke back then, when you watch them after a few years you simply love them. It brings smiles and laughs and you are taken back in time which you cherish. In this video, I was telling small children how to speak when given any topic. I had myself forgotten all this information, but after watching it I felt that I did talk sense. I am learning from my own self about the tricks. Especially, I liked


How to be entertained ????

Recently I was feeling bored ? so I watch TV there are many interesting cartoons ☺️ and funny shows some serials even we can watch movies..... There are many interesting shows to watch ? so how to be entertained ☺️ Me and my sister's watch a very funny and intersting show introduced by Disney named best of luck Niki it has 5 season and it's very funny and made for kids it was made in 2011 so now it is very rarely seen on disney .. but there is a official page of disney in youtube in which we can see that show and we watch from there only ...... And second show is also introduced



I recently discovered that we can retain a lot of things in our mind. I wrote a blog on 'HOW TO MAKE SOUFFLE' i discovered this recipe through a program called masterchef well but the main point is that i still remember each and everything required to make a souffle. here are some ways to retain important things:- READ IT, WRITE IT, DO IT!! 1)READ/LISTEN/WATCH:- This constitutes the first step of retaining while we read listen or watch we tend to learn something.That thing is stored in some part of our brain but we will be able to learn it only by performining the next st