
How I Make Sense of New Terms: Electoral Bonds?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFw36py_k4g There is a lot of news these days about SC questioning SBI Bank over declaring the details of the Electoral Bonds. But what on earth are Electoral Bonds? Electoral as the name implies should refer to the elections which are round the corner, but what are electoral bonds and what is the controversy all about? There will be other such terms which will be thrown at you every now and then, and the question is how to make sense of these words so that then you could think of contribute to a discussion or leverage it for yourself?


How I Write an Annual Feedback for a Colleague?

Whenever you're writing a feedback, remember that there is a human being on the other side who'll be reading it. That's obvious you'd say, right? But, in my experience, that's exactly what I see people forgetting most of the time. Don't write anything you'd not tell the person if you're speaking with her in person. And now to make it human, think about what makes something human? It must be kind, uplifting and empathetic. I usually send the draft to myself and read it as if I had got that feedback from someone. Then, I ask myself - Does it make me feel s


How To Know Your Colleagues or Friends Better?

You would have been to a party where games are played to assess how well you know your spouse, friend or colleague. I recall being made to stand with Dinky (my wife) looking at opposite directions with our backs next to each-other. Two hosts were taking turns to ask Dinky and me simple questions about each other. I remember doing fairly badly (Dinky did better than me) but I learnt an important lesson that day - That, we must be show a constant and keen interest in our loved ones desires, habits and feelings. That is important for a healthy relationship which is a crucial ele



March to August 2021 DURATION OF THE IV SEMESTER     06-03-2021 21-08-21* Imparting of Instructions 6-03-2021   18-07-21 First Assessment for Major Project* April 2021   MINOR (CLASS) TEST List Attached   SEMESTER-END EXAMINATION 24-07-2021 onwards         DURATION OF THE II SEMESTER       03-04-2021 29-08-21* Imparting of Instructions 03-04-2021   08-08-21 First Assessment for Minor Project-II* May 2021   MINOR (CLASS) TEST List Atta



MBA (WE) IInd SEMESTER DATE SUBJECT TIME Marketing  Management 05/06/2021 10.30 a.m. -11.30 a.m. HRM 05/06/2021 12.30pm– 1.30 p.m. E-Business 05/06/2021 2.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. MTIC 19/06/2021 10.30 am – 11.30 am Business Research 19/06/2021 12.30 pm - 1.30 p.m. Operations Mgt 19/06/2021 2.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. FM 26/06/2021 10am - 11am MBA (WE) IVthSEMESTER DATE SUBJECT TIME   08/05/2021   CSR  


MBA (WEEKEND) PROGRAMME Time Table and Contact Information

(2021) FOURTH SEMESTER (GENERAL) Saturday 8:45 AM TO 11:00 AM 11:00 AM TO 1:15 PM 01:30 PM TO 03:45 PM 03:45 PM TO 06:00 PM (HR) Team Building Mr. Kanisk Mallick 9958899584 MBA 228 (FIN)Financial Derivative MBA 218 Mr. Gaurav Talan              9891853680         (FIN) Merger & Acquisitions Dr GaganDeep Sharma 8527400113     (MKT) Advertising Management Dr Sanchita Bansal 9871712601 MBA 212(IT) Business Intelligence MBA- 2


Guidelines to Teach MBA Students

I got this letter from the Dean which includes the guidelines of study for the students of MBA. This is my favorite subject and while I have like everyone else, my own style, I have to do that within the boundaries of what the university prescribes. So, here's the guideline and I'll add my notes to help my implement this in my own way. Way to go. :) UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY DWARKA, DELHI-110078 (www.ipu.ac.in)

Geeks, Toastmasters

Why Is Overrated. How Is Everything. Well, Almost!

(Please bear in mind that this blog script is the one I used to perform this in front of live audience. ) Are you ready for some magic? This is a simple A4 sized paper. Can anyone pass their entire body through this piece of paper?  Well, most of you can't and the ones who can I'm not going to let them do that. If you said you can't, Why can't you?  Do you want to learn how you could do that? --Yes! Let's come back to this activity. Can you make some noise. You have to flip this paper into a half on the long edge and use a scissor to cut it like that. Onc


How to Stay Calm and Find the Way Forward When You’re under Pressure from All Sides?

Sometimes you just have to hear out what you already know. When life is throwing all sorts of challenges at you all at once. When you know all this is perhaps going to teach you something at the end, but then you feel you didn't need so much learning anyway. When you're doing the exact opposite of what you should be doing. That's exactly the situation I found myself in. Whether it's office or home, work deliverables or relationships, it's seeming to all come towards me in full force. As if someone is throwing another two balls at you to catch, when you take a catch, and ano


How To Speed Up Your Website and Fix Photo Upload Error?

One day you wake up and see that your beloved is slow, slower than usual, slower than ever. You expect the same old reactions from her or him, but Alas! It just wouldn't respond like before. You try the tricks, even the ones that you know irritated your sweetheart before, just so you get a reaction, a fight, a rage, a tear, anything. But nothing is working. You finally give up and learn to get used to her new slow self, but then you notice something else is wrong too. She doesn't understand a lot of what you tell her. Now, something is seriously wrong, isn't it? Well