There is no clear cut strategy to win but just a formula to compete with yourself. while playing chess today my queen got checkmate afterwards i felt quite boring to play but soon I realised I have to apply a strategy to win and guess what — ”I WON”

Follow my CHESS formula and be a master of any game ….

C – COMPLETE AND COMPETE – whatever happens just try to complete the game. Every time try the game with a new approach and compete with yourself.

H – HONESTY – be honest and play. don’t quit or don’t try to spoil the game, it may make you fell better but the other person winning the game might fell bad about it.

E – ENTERTAIN – Be entertained and play with a smile on your face. just focus and enjoy you are playing afterall..

S – SMART WORK – Have a smart approach and go ahead.

S – SCORE – Now you will win …

it is not important that you will win the game but will surely win your own confidence…..


This is Mehak signing off!!

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