While today I was off for my center based exam my parents were wating for me in the car. well i was curious to find how they utilized their 5 hours packed in the car with limited air due to masks… but still they managed to organise their time in a better way.

let me show you some of the ways to utilize and manage your time in the best possible manner…..

  • READING NEWSPAPER/BOOKS :- This is one of my most favourite pastime. i enjoy reading as it gives me happiness and i portray myself when engrossed in reading.
  • CALLING A FRIEND :- Calling is also a nice way of passing time.
  • LOOKING FOR DIFFERENT PEOPLE OUTSIDE THE CAR:- well thats a different type of passing time when you are so bored and have nothing to do so look out to different people.
  • WRITE A BLOG :- Mostle we have our phones with us so we can just write something random.
  • EATING:- This is one of the most favourite passtime of a punjabi family.

thats all for today so try these different pastimes when in car.

for your reference here i have a very funny video….

This is Mehak Kapoor signing off!!


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