I recently discovered that we can retain a lot of things in our mind. I wrote a blog on ‘HOW TO MAKE SOUFFLE’ i discovered this recipe through a program called masterchef well but the main point is that i still remember each and everything required to make a souffle.

here are some ways to retain important things:- READ IT, WRITE IT, DO IT!!

1)READ/LISTEN/WATCH:- This constitutes the first step of retaining while we read listen or watch we tend to learn something.That thing is stored in some part of our brain but we will be able to learn it only by performining the next step.

2)WRITE:- So why does writing helps you retain things? It’s an important thing to know; after all, it might seem like a lot of extra work to write something down when you can just as easily store it in your brain, right? when we write our thoughts we tend to retain something in our brain. Thats why it is usually said that we should write and learn. writing clears our mind as we put half our burden on paper.

3)DOING:- While we actually perform the activity our brain records the event and we will be able to retain it for lifetime.

I applied the same strategy while learning to make souffle and i was able to remember the recipe when we went to a bakery and i saw the name souffle. i was overjoyed.

this is Mehak signing off!!

1 thought on “HOW TO RETAIN THINGS??

  1. Wow – that is a great technique you have shared. I personally love writing and think that is the single most important skill which helps us achieve many things in life. So, keep writing, Mehak. Lots of love.

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