You all know that nowadays , in moist environment , mosquito breeding is increased and can lead to deadly diseases.

It’s important to prevent it , so that we and our family is safe .

Here are a few tips to prevent mosquito breeding-

  • Don’t let water stagnateMosquitoes breed by laying eggs in stagnant water . Just try clearing out any stagnant water from your home. Buckets, coolers, and other containers must be regularly checked for stagnant water. A handy tip for the rainy season is to add a little amount of oil in cooler (non combustible ) , buckets , plant saucers and other containers . This can hamper the life cycle of mosquitoes by not allowing eggs to hatch.
  • Clear the litter: Do not allow any debris to collect around your house, especially in gardens, compounds, or yards. Remove waste from your house regularly . If you see trash lying around for more than a couple of days, ensure that it is picked up and disposed of properly.
  • Use mosquito repellents – they are the best at ensuring complete protection. It eliminates mosquitoes effectively from every corner of our home and it is safe around toddlers and children. 
  • Switch on the fans – mosquitoes are not able to fly properly in even a little breeze . Fans can even prevent mosquito bites . (Surprised ?).
  • Sleep inside a mosquito net – Sleep inside the net that covers your whole bed so that none of the mosquitoes can get in . If you hate applying mosquito repellent on your body, then the mosquito net is the best option to eliminate the mosquitoes.

Many other ways are there to prevent , but the most important is to follow all the rules made by government . This time as well our chief minister Mr Arvind Kejriwal launched the anti – mosquito drive to curb mosquito breeding .

Stay home stay safe ?

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