There is a lot of news these days about SC questioning SBI Bank over declaring the details of the Electoral Bonds. But what on earth are Electoral Bonds?

Electoral as the name implies should refer to the elections which are round the corner, but what are electoral bonds and what is the controversy all about?

There will be other such terms which will be thrown at you every now and then, and the question is how to make sense of these words so that then you could think of contribute to a discussion or leverage it for yourself?

My friend and author of the amazing book, Hidden Secrets of a Super Learner, says Information x Interest = Memory.

The challenge is no longer about information, that these days is aplenty, although where to find the content that gives the most bang for the buck. This is where I leverage the tools such as ChatGPT, YouTube and my trusted reliable authors. ChatGPT allows you to connect the unfamiliar with the familiar and thus makes it easy to understand new terms and concepts. YouTube shows basic metrics such as video duration and likes, which is an indicator of where to get the most ROTI (return on time invested) and if I can find that the terms has been covered by a familiar writer who I can trust and relate well with, then I do not hesitate in investing extra time reading it from their columns. I do constantly work on increasing/ maintaining my list of trusted partners in areas I am interested in. This and a combination of these three always helps me understand the new term well enough.

But that’s not where it ends. I try and take an action on that term or learning in order to make it a part of me forever going forward – either through writing a piece about it or at least having a discussion with someone on it.

Well, that’s me but what about you? How do you deal with a scenario where you are thrown a new concept, word of phrase which blinds you with science (or political science for that matter)?

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