Hello ? my today’s blog is how to improve your memory ? what is memory?? Memory ? is a common word means

person’s ability to remember things . To improve your memory we should eat almonds daily ….. And we should eat atleast 2 almonds daily to improve your memory ? ? and we should do yoga ? and walk with 20 minutes of exercise to make our mind refresh and to improve the memory we should drink coffee . These are the methods … We can entertain our mind and improve our memory both by playing games such as chess , ludo . And many more . We should try to learn a new language it makes our mind more sharp ??


so here’s a challenge for you to check your memory ? ? do you remember what have you eaten ? today in lunch ???

Do you remember what have you eaten yesterday in lunch

Do you remember what have you eaten 2 days before??

These are some mentally questions for you try to remember even I got confuse ? … Every day at night I think what have I eaten yesterday ??? and this. Improve my memory ? and it became more sharp ? so try try but never cry??? so read the instructions ? and sharp your mind ? remember we sharp. A pencil by sharpner we sharp ourselves by these about tips ..

Bye bye meet you tomorrow in my next blog remember to comment ? the challenge ? are you able to answer ??? Comment them

Samaira kappor sining off

2 thoughts on “How to improve your memory

  1. Oh my God, this was so interesting- I could only remember what I ate for lunch today ?
    Have quite some work to do to increase my memory. I’m starting Today with your ideas. Thanks , Samu dearie. You have written so well, my little writer buddy. Love you.

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