Today its my. Sister exam and they have to go meerut …… And they want to reach at 6:30 so they wake up at 3:00 clock and went out at 4:00 so we slept at 11:30 and me and my mom were not able to sleep we eat chauran??? and try to sleep but we can’t ….we drink water ? but not able to sleep ???…. Finally after many trys I get. Sleep around 1:30 and then I woke at 3:00 ??? then my sister mom dad went to exam centre … Mom told me to sleep ? ? but ……… I was not able to getting sleep ?? ? then I went to my grandmother room talk to her as she was also not able to sleep. And call mom she told me to eat almonds and sleep I eat ? and drink some water and again try to sleep. Now I am feeling very tired ???? but not able to sleep … It’s around 5 I walked in balcony ???? and then। Again try to sleep .. I was so sleepy but not able to sleep ????? seeing my sister sleeping comfortably I was feeling I also want to sleep ? ? like this ……….. After that I relax my body ? and close my eyes and place a pillow in my legs and changing my pillow under my head finally ? I get sleep and woke up at 8:30 … And then again slept in evening ……

So sleep ? is very. Important if we don’t able to sleep ☺️ we all day fell sleepy ? and lazy ??? so some tips how to get sleep???……☺️☺️☺️☺️❤️. 1) sleep in good posture ……….. 2) sleep using a comfortable pillow or place pillow under your legs . 3) before sleep drink some. Water ? it will help. 4) if you are not getting sleep ? by these. Points also then count backwards ? that will surely help ? like 99,98 ,97,96 ..etc

So , these are some points to sleep ? try them meet you in tomorrow blog bye bye ☺️☺️

1 thought on “How to get sleep

  1. I loved this blog Samaira. Will surely try these techniques in case I am not getting sleep. Yes, sleep is very important it recharges And relaxes our body for next day.

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