Recently we went to humayun’s tomb early in the morning around 6AM. it was a fine sunday morning till the time our car got puntured. well we somehow figured the issue and reached our destination. soon after when we were returning my mother was not wearing seat belt and we were stopped by the police but guess what somehow we escaped that as well. BUT a few days back we received a CHALLAN through post for overspeeding……..

so here are some ways to drive safely:-

  • KEEP EQUIPMENTS READY:- It does not just includes jack and screws but fuel too. check all the necessary things before hand…
  • KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS ON TRACK:- keeps your eyes on road and ears on maps..
  • DRIVE SLOW:- overspeeding kills, your family is wating for you,save blood it’s costly these quotes are not just to scribble on paper follow these seriously.
  • FOLLOW SAFETY RULES:- well this is one of the basic rule. follow these blindly.
  • KEEP VOLUME OF SPEAKERS DOWN:- If you dont want to hear your name on FM as a criminal do keep the volume down…

these are some of the safety measures as they say ‘precaution is better then cure.’ or this happens ‘CHALLAN’……


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