Hello everyone . The day before yesterday I posted a blog about maths and a small introduction about prime factorisation. But today I will be telling how to do it in the simple way how to solve it ……… So let’s begin

Let I tell the basic thing to learn prime factorsition requires peace full mind without any tension taking a deep breath let’s start …… The very first step is let’s take any number for example I take 256 …. Now write it’s factors like this-:. -. 256. -. 2| 128 -:. 2| 64 -:. 2 | 32 -:. 2| 16 … -:. 2| 8. -:. 2| 4. -:. 2 | 2. -:. | 1.

256- 2x2x2x2x2x2x2

Now we will make groups like there are 7 numbers now see (2×2) (2x 2)( 2×2 ) (2 ) from each group we will take 1 …2. 2x2x2x2=16 16²=256

That’s the answer I don’t know if you have understand; it or not I have tried my best to give my knowledge to others for sharing knowledge …… …. I hope you have understood this .. Samaira kapoor sining off

So see these are the factors of 256


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