howdy, homo sapiens. have you realised that it’s high time you chucked some stuff out of your life. Hey, for those who thought about their spouses or/and in-laws just give me a high five now and give your right cheek one, because i am not talking about humans, yet…… Have you ever thought of your home resembling waste of wonder or trash museum, just take a look around you and tell me if you cry while looking at your ancient soft toys……

so lets plan a way out to DE-CLUTTER your house:-

  1. BLACK BEAUTY:- No matter how much you deny each one of us have a entwined version of cables and chargers, an old telephone that was the pride in your life or maybe an antique television bought from Bahrain or an old radio/phone/pager that never got an antim sanskar done, or some old video games that came on your 5 th birthday and now in the hope of seeing your 50th tooo… don’t you think that your house resembles an old video game palour. dicard all these things properly. there are many websites looking for E-waste atleast help them.

2. OVERLOADED ALMIRAH :- The wardrobe is screaming that it can’t take it anymore but we will keep stuffing it with more clothes as our mind gets hyptonised as it sees the 50% logo. but we still won’t give away the dress we bought at 50% discount even it it does’nt fit us because “someday i will lose weight and fit into this”…… GOLDEN RULE:- Deny yourself a new dress till you take out an old one….

3. ZOO OF SHOW-PIECES:- every house has a ‘showcase’ in which people placed all kind of wierd i mean cute things ranging from swans, photoframe of all sizes and shapes , flowers, vases , primeval wine for decoration, used diyas just because it can be put to use with the help of oil now i have nothing against these but the problem is we keep on adding more to it without brushing out the old one’s.the same goes for old toys and books because of emotions evolved. the same emotion does not tell you to donate them to someone in need THINK.

4. CLUSTER OF CDs/CASETTES:- one of the biggest nostalgia candidate award goes to…… i myself have a shelf full of CDs died due to scratches and half of them being so old that it start stammering in between. in the 20th century all the music is safe within phone and accessible anytime…..keep your attachment with the music, not the medium. MAKE SPACE FOR YOURSELF…..

5. MULTIPLE CHOICE MEDICINE:- I still don’t believe peolpe having subsitutes of all the medicines and sometimes sorry usually most of them are expired. we buy new medicines each time we fall sick ,but keep retaining the old ones, unused ones, expired or not, for ages…. the same goes for the tubes of ointment which will cry out in pain if you futher try to extract anything out of it. here’s a request to donate the unexpired or unused medicine to the poor people. it will be useful for the person who requires it the most THINK……

this trick will help you in inhaling and exhaling fresh air.


This is Mehak signing off!!

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