Today , I read a chapter ” THE MAKING OF A SCIENTIST ”

The chapter was quite interesting where I got to know about the journey of a normal student to a well known scientist – ‘Dr. RICHARD H. EBRIGHT’

First I’ll give a brief introduction about his life .

Richard was a smart and only child to his parents. BCoz he felt lonely , he started collecting things , which included fossils , coins and most importantly butterflies . His mother used to help him a lot , she bought him many instruments which Richie (nickname) used to learn new things.

Most important was the book “THE TRAVELS OF MONARCH X (one of the species of butterflies )”. This book opened the world of science to Richie . He started exploring new things , used to participate in science fairs , with a competitive mind and finally his research led to a new theory on how cells work . This theory got published in the PNSA which was like hitting a home run in baseball .

This was the journey of RICHARD .

Now , I will tell the main point ,i.e., how to become a scientist

Ingredients –

Start with a first-rate mind , add curiosity , and mix in the will to win for the right reasons . 
  1. You should be smart enough and have a sharp brain .
  2. You should have keen interest in learning new things .
  3. A competitive mind but with a good sense.

Your aim should be to win but not for prize or winning’ s sake, rather you should win so that you explored something for the entire world , you did a great job and this research would help others .

To read the whole interesting journey of Dr. Richard H. EBRIGHT , click on the link below

This is Saesha Kapoor signing off ……….

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