
How to develop habit of being arting ??????

Hoody CHABITOBERS ?? So we have started with new mission . So to develop habit of being arting ?? So you may think meaning of arting it means cleaning things in artistic manner artistic+ cleaning= arting . we should always make our goal .... And to set our goal we should follow the tips which are given below ..❤️❤️❤️❤️ so In this time of pandemic we should. Change or adapt new habits . So I decided I will be following my goal to be arting . To be arting ... So to be arting means -: how to utilise your time in creative things and cleaning in artistic manner -: so here are some



The newspaper report says that online shopping has increased considerably in this pandemic. Why not it has increased.. Everybody is prone to online shopping even I. But have you realised that the things we order are of little or no use and we can live our life without them as well. Your fingers might not swell up but it's not the age of parents to weightlift the things you order. So, I have some questions you should ask yourself while buying things online? Question 1) why do you require it? Question 2) will your life change after getting that? Question 3) is it worth th



Hello everyone , this month our team leader 'Mohit Sawhney' has decided a new mission that is - " Change a habit in October ". Name - CHABITOBER Actually , I am not good at managing time . At the end of the day I tell myself that I wasn't able to complete this homework because time was less . And sometime I start thinking that one day should be of 48 hours then I will get more time . I made many daily routine charts but never followed ?. But this time I'll take it as a challenge , my team mates will help me , I'll help them , and surely this team work will lead to success and



as the unlock begins it is important to reassess our wardrobe and re-wear, re-style outfits. So here's how one can make the same dress look different - by layering it . here are the ways one can style their outfits:- 1)LAYER IT RIGHT:- Never add volume and bulk to your body. don't add too many layers. Make it cooler. 2)STYLE IT RIGHT:- Play a lot with patterns. mix and match shades,colours,patterns in order to make you look well balanced. monochrome layering is the best way of doing it. 3)KEEP IT LIGHT:- Make sure to opt for light fabrics such as cotton and linen. we



Bulletin board yes the one you have it in your house have you thought of restyling it ever or is it still put somewhere in your house since ages with 5 yrs old you and your family in black and white background........ i have tried styling it. so here are some tips to keep it neat and clean:- 1)QUOTES EVERYDAY:- write one quote everyday on the bulletin board. when you and your family will look at that quote you will remain positive and motivated during the day. 2)WORDY WAY OUT:- Write one new word everyday with it's meaning and let everyone in your family use that word duri


How to find happiness in this time ?

In this time in pandemic when we all are locked in our house .. we have to be happy . By doing or making any thing so my technique to find happiness in this time is if there is. Something bad. Find its benefits or the good thing behind that . For example -: today is the last day of mine writing a blog ☹️ I am sad but the good thing is my mamu will create a new mission and we will learn something new ☺️☺️ . So it is bad time but remember it will pass . ☺️☺️☺️ So we should always be Positive + and to find happiness we should always find it benefits ......... Today is the last day


How to prevent mosquito breeding ?

You all know that nowadays , in moist environment , mosquito breeding is increased and can lead to deadly diseases. It's important to prevent it , so that we and our family is safe . Here are a few tips to prevent mosquito breeding- Don’t let water stagnate: Mosquitoes breed by laying eggs in stagnant water . Just try clearing out any stagnant water from your home. Buckets, coolers, and other containers must be regularly checked for stagnant water. A handy tip for the rainy season is to add a little amount of oil in cooler (non combustible ) , buckets , plant saucer



Ever since covid-19 face masks have become our first priority, be it travelling for work or a quick grocery run. being number one on our checklists masks have become indispensible part of our lives.... however the humidity levels that buils up on our face on wearng face masks for long hours cause acne or in other words "maskne"..... HOW IT IS CAUSED?? if you ae unable to wash your face on a regular basis, bacteria are tapped on your skin creating a breeding ground for acne breakout. here are some measures to deal with maskne:- 1)QUALITY MASK :- Wear a soft, cotton



In today's competitive environment, our greatest untapped resource may be our own motivation. But what happens when you can't find your motivation or you can't stay motivated long enough to finish a project or even keep up with daily tasks? You need find your motivation--but where? here are some of the motivation ideas to keep you hydrated with cheerfulness:- 1)A LITTLE ABOUT ME:- Learn about yourself, your inner peace, your likes and dislikes, your creativity. find yourself in white pages when you write about myself. it has some relevence while every journal's first page


How to be entertained without TV ??

So my today's blog is how to be entertained without TV . All loves television even I . But from yesterday our tv is not working . Then we relsiled how to pass time without TV . So how to be entertained without TV ? ❓❓. So there are some points . Follow them to be entertained ? So to remain entertain we should make us busy by doing drawing ? or. Painting ? it diverts our mind . And make us fell calm . 2). So second way is to mediate your self by doing yoga . Dance or playing board games . It will definitely help you 3). So the third way is to follow your mind ? what