
How to Get Started with Your Financial Goalsetting

There is one thing common among all human beings - that is that they're all different. It's the same with our aspirations, beliefs, and circumstances. They're very different even when we're in the same age group, or if we studied in the same college. That's what makes financial goalsetting a rather unique planning with no one size fits all solution. Here's Mr Bean's journey, his situation but the process he followed could benefit others as well. Confide in someone who knows: There is a concept of a sniper approach versus a machine gun approach in management. A machine


HOW Did the First Indian PSU Turn Around?

ITI, Indian Telephones Industries, was the 1st Indian PSU. It was established in 1948 to serve the telephony requirements primarily those of the government. With the privatisation in 80s and liberalisation in 1990s the company was thrown open to competition which evenutally led to it being declared a sick unit in 2003-4. But the story doesn't end there. Logo of ITI, then called Indian Telephones Industries The light at the end of the tunnel came when Central government sanctioned ₹4,150 crore for ITI Ltd. in February 2014. Since then, ITI Limited geared itself