
How to make a PENCILL holder

THE THINGS WE NEED IS TO A4 SIZE SHEETS AND CUT FROTTI BOTTLE OR A NORMAL BOTTLE OR PRINGELES OR ANY THING and dupletape Skech pen or googly eyes Step take you half bottle and 1 A4 size sheet now make a strate line and in the sentre make 2 bunny ears step now cut them up and paste it on the bunny now take your sketch pen and make the eyes and nose and smile you can also take googly eyes and its ready


How to become a scientist

Today , I read a chapter " THE MAKING OF A SCIENTIST " The chapter was quite interesting where I got to know about the journey of a normal student to a well known scientist - 'Dr. RICHARD H. EBRIGHT' First I'll give a brief introduction about his life . Richard was a smart and only child to his parents. BCoz he felt lonely , he started collecting things , which included fossils , coins and most importantly butterflies . His mother used to help him a lot , she bought him many instruments which Richie (nickname) used to learn new things. Most important was the book "TH


How to Answer Comprehension or Unseen Passages

Truth be told - I have been scared of unseen passages all my student life. However, over the years I have learnt one thing. If you are unable to do something, that is less to do with your inborn abilities are much more to do with the fact that you don't know how to do it. This applies to answering questions for unseen passages for school and competitive exams as well. While I was helping my son, Tanav prepare for his English test, I researched to find out the How of answering Unseen Passages. However, this technique may not apply to CAT test for which I will first find



Today while my granmother was reading newspaper a small column attracted her mind which was labelled as sigificance of colours in our life and how to dress accordingly . I was inqusitive to find out more so here is a detailed version of it:- Starting with my favourite colour - BLUE BLUE:- According to researchers blue colour is indeed a special one which not only reflects calmness , soothness or kindness of a person but also makes him responsible and self confident. Positive vibes flows through his behaviour and attitude which makes him look adorable and attractive. PURPL


How to multiply 1 and 0

Let’s start with 0 Take the number 650 now when we multiply we get 0 let me tell you another example Let’s take 34 and multiply we get 0 Now you awnser this question 1000 with 0 Yes it will be 0 2. Let’s with do 1 Let’s get 200 multiply by 1 It is 200 Let’s get 2000 by 1 It is 2000 This is for you 3000 by 1 Yes it is 3000 Now watch this will video it will help you in multiplying https://youtu.be/dPksJHBZs4Q Please watch



Hello everyone . The day before yesterday I posted a blog about maths and a small introduction about prime factorisation. But today I will be telling how to do it in the simple way how to solve it ......... So let's begin Let I tell the basic thing to learn prime factorsition requires peace full mind without any tension taking a deep breath let's start ...... The very first step is let's take any number for example I take 256 .... Now write it's factors like this-:.


How to rename in zoom using laptop

To rename , follow the steps given below 1 . You have to login with your email id and then type your name . It would be permanently saved and will ask your name before every zoom meeting . 2. If you don't want to login then you cannot use a link to enter a class instead open zoom app and type the meeting id , passcode and your name . This helped me today to attend my school meeting with my own name rather than my sister's . ? 3/09/2020 - Today I finally found how to rename while attending an online class . Step 1 click on participants below Step 2 near your


How best to start a day?

Well, definitely not by checking your WhatsApp messages or emails configured on the phone. They will only initiate worry or a sense of urgency. Open your eyes to look straight into your palms. They not only contain your destiny but bring prosperity, wisdom, and happiness into your lives. You won’t trust me when I say so but you will if I tell you that according to the Hindu religion, the three sections of your palm signify a God/Goddess each. And when you look at your palms you seek blessings for a beautiful day from them. The sections of your palm and the Gods they signify are


How to make paranthas fun for your little ones?

A regular parantha can be pretty boring - square, circle or okay, some may make it triangular too! But the regular geometric shapes aren’t attractive after a point in time! So here’s what I suggest you do ~ roll out the regular parantha and then pick up that darn sharp knife and chisel your way through. Make interesting shapes like a smiley with oval shapes eyes and big deep smile, a fish with fins, a house with a chimney, a doll with a dress, a robot, trees, birds, aeroplanes, cars, and what not! Let your imagination go wild and your kids go crazy! Keep them guessing! P.S. - p



There is no clear cut strategy to win but just a formula to compete with yourself. while playing chess today my queen got checkmate afterwards i felt quite boring to play but soon I realised I have to apply a strategy to win and guess what --- ''I WON'' Follow my CHESS formula and be a master of any game .... C - COMPLETE AND COMPETE - whatever happens just try to complete the game. Every time try the game with a new approach and compete with yourself. H - HONESTY - be honest and play. don't quit or don't try to spoil the game, it may make you fell better but the other