Yesterday I made crispy chicken legs which were delicious.

Marination should be done either for 3-4 hours or overnight .

I made it in evening around 7: 30 pm and marinated at 5 .

So , here’s the recipe for 2 leg pieces (if you want to make for more number of pieces , just adjust the spices accordingly. )

  1. Defrost the chicken in microwave .
  2. Wash the chicken properly with water and salt
  3. Make gashes ( small slits ) in the chicken so that the marinate could be evenly spread
  4. Now take the below ingredients in a big Bowl for marination .

Chicken Leg pieces – 2

Curd – 2 tbsp

Ginger Garlic paste – 1/2 tbsp

Lemon Juice – 1/2

Salt to taste

Garam Masala Powder – 1/2 tsp

Red chilli powder – 1/2 tsp

Black Pepper Powder – a pinch

5 . Coat the chicken properly with the marination.

6. Cover and keep aside for 3-4 hours or overnight.

7. Now , in a large plate , spread 3 spoons of all purpose flour ( maida) and 1 and 1/2 spoon of cornflour .

8. Add these spices in the plate –

Black pepper powder – 1/2 tsp

Garam Masala – 1 tsp

Red chili powder – 1/2 tap

Salt to taste

Oregano – 1/2tsp

9. Mix all these dry ingredients with a spoon properly .

10. Take a deep bowl and add 5-6 ice cubes and about half Cup water . Let the ice completely melt and the water should be become freezing cold.

11. After the marination time is completed , add one piece of chicken in the plate and coat nicely with the dry mixture for 1-2 mins.

12. Take this nicely coated chicken leg piece and dip it in the icy cold water .

13. Now again coat this wet piece with the dry mixture . Repeat the 12 step and this step for 2-3 times for very CRISPY CHICKEN.

14 . Do these coating and dipping with the other chicken piece as well .

15. Now , heat oil in a deep kadai (frying pan).

16. Carefully , immerse one chicken piece in the pan and let it cook for 3-4 mins and then flip and cook for another 3-4 mins .

17. Similarly., Fry the other leg piece .

And , our delicious tender and crispy chicken is ready to be served . Try it with mayonnaise.

This is Saesha Kapoor signing off………


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