So today s topic is How to discard old things?? ???‍???‍?Today my sister told that in newspaper it was coming how to discard?????? old things which means we are living in the 20th century and now ?????people are buying???‍? new things but not throwing the old things even I??? .I am also doing the???? same thing ? I buy some ????new clothes or new toys but I don’t throw the old ones because I like them ??also now I buy new???? clothes but I don’t throw the old ones even they are small for me but I fit them as that looks very nice ???so this even not I am doing ??everybody in my house or in the world?????? are doing the same thing???? and no body thinks that they can give ?‍??????clothes to some poor person who is not having a one pair of clothes for himself??? so think ???this and then you????? will gave the clothes ?????not throw ?????? give ???? them to the needy or to the poor persons who requires them and fits in it so this is the example?????? of clothes now ??become it’s a example of soft toys now we have ???many soft toys where???? we see above the TV or above the almirah study table or anywhere I see some soft?????? toys some where which are like torn and their cotton is coming ???out some are do not have one eye some do not have nose ??? the soft toys are also around me but we don’t know that we can clean the house by giving them to needy.??? ????????????? We just clean them and just decorate in any part??? of the house but we don’t think some who do not have even one???? soft toy ??we can give ????one to him or even 2 these things we can do. ??? ??? ??????one day we have to throw them so why today now there are many things which are so bad not so bad but not useful ????can give it to some???? needy we have some torn purse we can give it to someone who is needy he can use it it is new for him….. So we should?? think and then ?????throweven if I see in almirah so so many clothes which are torn or???????? some which are small for me but I don’t give it to somebody because??? I like them they have new print or they are pink colour or they are something ????attractive?? to me but one day we have to give them so why today ???????☺️☺️☺️❤️❤️so this is my way to think we have to give it one day so why???? today you all just remember this and??? give that things to the needy ,???? so this is my today’s blog meet you tomorrow and remember that tip I gave you ???????????

3 thoughts on “How to discard old things???

  1. wow samaira never thought you will discard your old clothes while you are sooo much attracted to them that you can fit in a baby size tooo………..

    1. Wow I loved reading this. Thanks Samaria for beautiful thought. I love the emojis – hens and camels And monkeys also I think you’re missing zebra ???. Here it is: ?

      1. Thanks mamu ❤️ . I also love emojis ????????????????????????? thanks for zebra ????? I. Will add in another blog ???? love you


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