It is preheps the most critical question to answer while every person has his own strategy to review and revise but is it enough- ask yourself. when you delete, cut ,copy or paste you are revising isn’t?? Here are some tips to revise and review your work:-

SELF-EVALUATE:- one should change his attitude from WRITER to READER and based on that one should evaluate the status of his writing. this is the first and the foremost step to revise and review your work.

TYPO ERROR:- thereafter look for the gramatical errors. It includes punctutation marks, spelling mistakes and vocab.

CONSIDER STYLE:- style is the soul of the writing. while writing is just a skeleton style provides it a body. you may initially not be considered about the sytle but it plays a crucial role in determining the impact of the writing on the reader. your voice and tone in the writing gives you a path to style your work.

CONTENT:- Well it is clear that when you are writing something you tend to write to the point answers but it might be a possibility that you write unnessary answers. just write all the necessary things otherwise the reader might not be interested in reading.

READ AND REVISE READ AND REVISE AND THAT TOO THRICE:- This is the final step in editing and revising which includes reading it atleast thrice and look for mistakes one last time.

These steps can be cut short while taking an exam due to lack of time or these need to performed at a higher speed.

I hope these steps can be helpful in reviewing and revising your writing skills and will promote you to a better writer.

now let me revise my blog………..

this is mehak signing off!!


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