It becomes difficult to learn new words by just reading a dictionary, while it may also require super powers to retain the words in our cerebrum. there are many playful ways to learn and retain words I am going to breif about a similar game….

THE GAME OF TABOO:- Taboo is one of a very famous game. It requires maxium of 4 players. The person who starts the game picks a card and he is required to explain that word without using some related words written over. yesterday while playing with my sisters i got to realise that we just turn up the words if it’s meaning is unknow to us. I realised that the best thing would be to look up the meaning and explain with losing a point which will help me to retain the word lifelong as i was unable to explain. well thats a simple psychological phenomenon.

For example there are some words which i learnt yesterday :-

FEAT – an achievement that requires great courage, skill, or strength.

BEN FRANKLIN-  Ben Franklin effect is a proposed psychological phenomenon:

this is my trick to learn new words. what are your’s??

share your taboo experience in the comment section below..

This is Mehak signing off!!

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