Today while my granmother was reading newspaper a small column attracted her mind which was labelled as sigificance of colours in our life and how to dress accordingly . I was inqusitive to find out more so here is a detailed version of it:-

Starting with my favourite colour – BLUE

BLUE:- According to researchers blue colour is indeed a special one which not only reflects calmness , soothness or kindness of a person but also makes him responsible and self confident. Positive vibes flows through his behaviour and attitude which makes him look adorable and attractive.

PURPLE:- The civilized world of purple cloth indicates affection and separation from others. It give a thought to others that the person is full of confidence and will take up challenges to face life.

BLACK:- It is considered as a colour of hateness but thats not true while it’s my 2^nd favourite and moreove it indicates that the person is cultured and soft spoken , but he also has the ablity and quality to carry out every task with utmost care and responsibility while leading the pack.

GREEN:- The colour which blossoms with time has the ability to develop a person in his life journey alongwith providing him peace and tranquility. It shows a person’s belief in learning and escalating talent. person in green loves to associates with others but he may not be able to solve the challenges posed by life.

RED:- Red being a colour of strength and passion indicates that the person is extremely hardworking, energetic and devious. This colour is recommend for a shy and an introvert person.

YELLOW AND ORANGE:- Both of these colours are considered as a symbol of happiness. it is believed that these colours will infuse positive energy in the surroundings. Despite this it is usually believed that these people will not be serious about their lives.

WHITE AND GREY:- While this colour brings hope and peace but it makes a person less creative and it is possible that the person does not have courage to do something new and different.

BROWN:- this colour indicates a person’s trustworthy nature and makes him look down to earth.while it also shows that a person can fit into any role despite this it is possible that the person may be traditional in his approach towards solving a problem.

So dress according to colours and believe in yourself.

this shows the vibrant energy embedded in colours .
hope this helps

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